Travelocity, You're Killing Me!
Tonight on The Amazing Race we hear lots of “I love you’s,” but not from whom you may expect. We also learn that the former
Phil meets us at the Hotel De Ville in
Speaking of irritable couples, The Babies are next to leave and Jennifer is still complaining about not getting first place yet. Well, Jennifer, move your butt and stop holding Nathan up. (Wahahaha) I’m happy to note that Jennifer has traded her yucky black leggings for cute red shorts. I may be able to get behind her tonight – we’ll see. As the first two teams get into taxis and head to the airport, we learn that they can only book their airline tickets using the official airline ticketing office – so I guess no Expedia or Travelocity, though the latter gets their big fat plug later on. At the airport, the first two teams find the ticket office closed – hooray! Everyone’s going to catch up and put the suspense back in the race. Since they have a couple of hours to wait, the racers find a computer lab and start searching the internet to find out exactly which flights to request when the office opens up.
Moronald and Christina are off next and Christina explains to us that she keeps telling Moronald she loves him to make up for lost time, even though it makes Moronald squirm – enough to have a hernia flare-up. He’s just excited to get his hands on some Lithuanian pastries. Yeah, who doesn’t live for Lithuanian pastries. Huh?
"Don't you love me too, Daddy?"
Grandpa Donald and Nicholas set off – will Nick be participating tonight, or returning to his comfortable post as an observer? Jem and
The LA Blondes catch a taxi and start bickering over whether the airport is the
Meanwhile Moronald has lost patience with the internet buffet and he and Christina head over to the Air France office in the city, not the airport, which is open now. Christina uses her minimal French to communicate with the non-English-speaking ticket agent about how quickly they need to get to
Grandpa Donald and Nick arrive at the Air France office and Nick is all ready with the flight information he wants to book. Nick – you helped! As The Siblings and The Babies file in behind Nick, he tells the ticket agent to give everyone else later flights. A) Nick, she doesn’t speak English. B) Like she would do that just because you say so. Well Hendekea is immediately all over Nick because she heard his request and I have to refer again to points A and B. The Siblings sit down with the neighboring ticket agent and ask which flight Nick and Grandpa Donald got onto, but Nick won’t say. Well! That is an affront to The Siblings, the other teams, The Amazing Race and the world in general. The Siblings turn to their agent who does speak English and get flights through
"White boy had that one coming."
Well, guess who does get seats on the so-called “full” flight from
Elsewhere The Blondes are still tense while discussing airplane seating strategy – namely the little one wants them to sit near the front of the plane so they will be the first ones off. To that end they go to the counter to rearrange their seats and make the other teams go away so they won’t see. Jennifer of The Babies observes that this is the turning point in the game when people start getting ugly. True dat, Jennifer, true dat. When The Blondes take a seat after the “counter incident” the big one is all worried that they are making everyone mad at them, what with the U-Turns and the secret seating assignments. The little one keeps insisting that it’s all part of the game and the alternative is that they would be eliminated. The little one says she’s more methodical and the big one accuses her of flattering herself and I think to myself: Don’t these girls make a living out of flattering themselves back in LA?
"Do you think these sunglasses
make my boobs look bigger?"
As everyone boards their flights, we learn that Moronald and Christina are on their own flying through
Moronald and Christina are just now landing at 2:10 PM and Christina has the brilliant idea to pay a taxi driver to lead them to
Grandpa Donald finds the church first and the clue is a Road Block asking: “Who’s a good listener?” Where’s Phil? Ah, here he is, coming up a staircase from some basement. Whatcha doing down there, Phil?
"You guys are here already?"
He tells us that only one person can perform this Road Block and that person has to become a Lithuanian messenger. They choose from three women who are working outside and she will give them a package and tell them where to take it. They have to go on foot through the confusing streets and find the correct person to deliver the package to. That person will give them a second package with a second destination, at which they will receive the next clue. Got all that?
So I guess Grandpa Donald will be traversing the streets of – wait! Nicholas is getting ready to do another challenge! I don’t believe this, but here he goes. A little babushka gives him a basket to take to Weinius at the Vilnius University Courtyard and Nick scurries away.
"They said to hold this up."
The Siblings and Jem and
"You mean I might have to wait here all day?"
Nick now has to take a book to some salon and give it to a woman named Olga.
The Babies can’t find the church so they stop to ask for directions and as he pulls over, Nate is warning Jennifer that they are going to run and he means it. Then as soon as Jennifer starts running Nate is ticked off because she didn’t wait for him to properly arrange his fanny pack. The Hippies have the same idea, but manage to ask for directions without screaming at each other. The Blondes are completely lost and as the big one decides to reverse back into the intersection they just crossed, a huge bus comes looming in on them. This is the Big Close Call we all saw on the previews, but the big blonde manages to get the car back into drive and pull out of the way while the little one has hysterics in the backseat. Things are not looking too cheery in Blondeville, but at least they weren’t squished by a Lithuanian bus. The CBS waivers made sure that the network wouldn’t have been responsible if they had been.
Moronald takes the Road Block, hernia and all, and gets his basket from his babushka. He has to find an unfortunate person named Milda – unfortunate that she will be encountering Moronald. Nicholas can’t find anyone who can direct him to his hair salon and
"You'll never swim in my gene pool."
Nathan and Jennifer are jogging and fighting, jogging and fighting. After a couple of back-and-forths, Nathan says, “I just can’t believe what kind of person you’ve turned into. It’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” Aw, the sweet words of your beloved whispered in your ear. Jennifer retorts with the ever-effective, “Same with you, Nate!” Wow, I think these two have a great shot at a lovely life together, what do you think?
The Hippies arrive at the Road Block and TK takes it on because Rachel says her mind is confused from looking at maps. Yes, drawings of roads will do a number on your mind – particularly if you’ve already destroyed most of it yourself. The Blondes argue over whether or not to take time to stop and ask for directions and The Babies get to the Road Block and decide that Jennifer will do it. Both Nicholas and Hendekea are still wandering around looking for a hair salon.

"Don't Lithuanians get their hair cut?"
TK finds a nice local to lead him to the University and Moronald gets directions as well. TK’s Lithuanian student is wading around in a campus fountain when TK finds him and I could swear his name is Dionysus, who, incidentally, is the Greek god of wine and drunkenness. I’ll just leave that by saying it all sounds about right. Moronald also finds his student and is on his way to a restaurant. The Blondes convince some poor girl to take them at last to
The Hippies are finished with the Road Block and head out to the unpronounceable village, followed closely by Christina and Moronald, whose hernia is at it again. Jennifer finds her student and then gets someone to show her to the Gabi Café and still no Lithuanian has ever heard of Nick and Hendekea’s hair salon. This beauty parlor could be their undoing. Wait! Hendekea finds the one person in
The Siblings are off to the village with Azaria once again calling Hendekea “Baby Girl,” just like any normal brother and The Blondes finally find the church so the little one sets off on the Road Block. Poor Grandpa Donald. He and Nick were the first ones to arrive at the church and now The Blondes have caught up to them and may pass them up all together.
"Wait 'til I get my hands on that kid."
Grandpa Donald is resigning himself to the possibility that they will go home today. And just when all hope is lost, Nick finds two young ladies who know the salon! They must be nieces of the owner!
Jem and
"But none of the other gnomes speak English."
The little blonde zips through the Road Block and Nick finally finds his salon then needs more directions to get back to Grandpa Donald at the church. At last, now that all of the packages have been delivered the citizens of
Jem and
"Why do you crash our festival?"
The teams have to choose between two tasks – Count Down or Step Up. In Count Down the teams have to count the pickets on a picket fence and if they get the number right they get their next clue. In Step Up the teams have to walk on stilts down a specified length of pathway and if they fall before the finish line they have to start over. Jem and
Right about now The Hippies and Moronald and Christina have arrived for their Travelocity commercial. Look how many times Travelocity is getting mentioned here! They should pay me for all this free advertising.
Look, TK and Rachel! Burning Man!
As the lagging teams arrive at Travelocity Central, Jem and
As the winners of this leg, The Hippies have won a trip for two to
And look who will meet them there.
The Hippies are really surprised to win because they had been thinking all day that they were last. What, the sight of Moronald and Christina right behind them on the stilts didn’t clue them in? They must have been distracted by the Burning Man.
Jem and
The Blondes have stopped again to ask for directions from a gorgeous blonde Lithuanian girl. The sad thing is, they probably think they’re better looking than she is.
Dream on, big blonde.
Nick and Grandpa Donald find their gnome and The Blondes are right on their heels. Over at the fence, Nate is counting and Jen is right in his face going, “Do not let anyone distract you!” Thanks Jen, that helps. Apparently Nate’s out-loud counting is confusing Jen and she keeps begging him to count quietly, but he insists that he is physically and mentally unable to count in his head. I believe it. The Siblings finish counting and take off. Moronald and Christina are team three and The Siblings are team four. The Babies keep doing separate counts and coming up with different totals. Too bad, cranky pants. On their next attempt Jen asks Nate mid-count if she can go around him and now he’s really had it and yells out, “Bitch!” Wow, he cheats on her and calls her names. Not that I totally blame him… These two are so retarded that they have to give up counting to do the stilts. What was that about being such a great counter, Jen?
The Blondes are also self-proclaimed great counters and start in on the pickets as Nick and Grandpa are doing a count of their own. Somehow The Babies manage to walk on stilts without killing each other and head for the Pit Stop. As The Blondes spin themselves into a web of counting confusion, the little one says that they should have each counted half of the pickets and then added their totals together. Yes, but you see, you both would have been wrong, so that wouldn’t have worked either. Nick accidentally counted all of the posts and gates, which he wasn’t supposed to, but he has enough of a brain to go back and subtract the extras and get the total right. We could be here all night waiting for The Blondes. They get it wrong. Nick and Grandpa Donald are team six. When The Blondes finally pull it together and make it to the Pit Stop they realize they are in last place and their only hope is that this is a non-elimination leg. Well, we haven’t had one yet, it’s possible. But apparently Phil has had enough of The Blondes as well because he tells them to get their crap and get out of
Head west for a sea salt scrub.
Next week The Siblings and The Babies fight, fight, fight! We’re definitely past the honeymoon phase of this race.
So how did you like tonight’s episode? Were you surprised at the results?
Thanks for reading!
-Honey Gangsta
1 comment:
F.Y.I. Lithuanians are not Slavic.
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