Memoirs of a Racer
Welcome back to The Amazing Race! I’m not sure if this only happened where I live, but something was mis-timed between the cable scheduling and the DVR recording instructions and as a result, only the second half of tonight’s episode got recorded. But thanks to the miracle of the interwebs I have downloaded and viewed the entire thing, retrieved pictures, and said my piece. Here we go on leg number nine!
So here we are, back with Phil and the gang in fragrant
"How do you like my #2 wife?"
Nick and Grandpa Donald leave next and as they head out Nick tells us that it’s a big responsibility being the leader of a team for The Amazing Race. Oh, Nick’s the leader? Is that why in the beginning Grandpa did everything? Because the leader delegated it that way? Interesting theory there, Nick. Grandpa tells us that he’s having more and more trouble keeping up with Nick, but that he’s going to keep pushing. You go, Grandpa! Don’t let that tattoo be for nothing! Grandpa also tells us that back when he was in the service he wanted to go to Japan so this is a dream come true for him 50 years later.
Moronald and Christina are next and when Moronald discovers that they are headed for
Nick and Grandpa bypass any travel agency stops and go straight to the airport to find a flight. Moronald and Christina, however, decide to find an agency and get the help of a professional. They go to a money exchange place, which apparently can also book airline flights. Those silly Indians.
"We'd also like our teeth cleaned. Can you do that, too?"
Now The Babies are off and they each take a turn telling us that this is going to be the leg where they stop fighting. Yeah, yeah. We hear this every week. What would be left of your relationship if the two of you laid off of each other, huh? The only thing you have in common is your mutual hatred. Plus it keeps things interesting, so fight on, Crazy Pants! Nate relates a “fantasy” he had a few nights ago in which he and Jen are running to the finish line and he throws his bag at the legs of other Racers who may be in front of them. Then Scarlett Johansson and not Phil is waiting at the mat wearing nothing but a string bikini and the words “Go Nate!” painted across her midriff. Okay, so I threw in the last part to make it a believable “fantasy.” We know what makes Nate tick. Women who aren’t Jen.
We stop in with The Hippies at their travel agency and I realize that the picture of the model may be a calendar, so I take back what I may or may not have said earlier about the guy who works there. He finds them a flight that leaves at 6:55 PM, and TK asks about 45 times if that is the earliest possible way for them to get to
Nick, as the leader of his team, purchases tickets for a flight that leaves at 8:30 PM. The Babies arrive at the airport and get the same tickets. Over at the money exchange Christina asks their agent if he is putting them on a direct flight from
'Atta girl!
Moronald just goes, “Oh, okay.” HA! When they get to the airport, Moronald starts off on another of his tirades because their taxi driver let them off a ways down from the entrance to Air
At the airport it turns out that all of the teams except for The Hippies are on the 8:30 PM flight, so everyone starts wondering where The Hippies are. In fact, they are on their airplane and ready to take off. Phil steps in to tell us that The Hippies are flying to
See how this illustrates that two stops
take longer than one stop?
The other teams are flying to
The three other teams arrive in
Are you sure this is the fastest way to Osaka?
As Nick and Grandpa Donald walk through the airport, Grandpa comments that Nick is like his bitch because he’s very strong and carrying Grandpa’s backpack around for him. LOL, Grandpa. How do you like that, Team Leader Nick? The Babies are first to get in a taxi to find the Kishiwada Castle and Jen tells us it’s about time they start beating the other, older teams. True, both Nick and Grandpa AND Moronald and Christina have come in first before, but not The Babies. Moronald and Christina get the next taxi and Christina immediately tells the driver in Japanese that it is very important that they get to the castle quickly. I hear the word “Ichiban” and want sushi.
In the taxi Grandpa Donald observes that
"See how in sync we are?"
Now, I am a television blogger so I should recognize this, right? I searched and I think it’s Borat. I’m slipping! What are they doing? It’s another of those rare moments where they are being cute with each other. Moronald and Christina wonder where The Hippies are, as do Nick and Grandpa. Nick says, “Maybe they went to
The Babies arrive first at
The new face of dehydration.
As The Babies make their way to the Noda Station Jen remarks that there are no street signs in English and Nate goes, “That’s why we’re not drivin’ babe.” Then Moronald and Christina discuss how complicated the roads are and notice that their driver is relying completely on GPS. Christina says, “I’m never driving in
"No dust! No dust!"
The clue says, “Who’s the backseat driver?” Jen decides that she is and then we get a visit from Phil!
"I'll be YOUR backseat driver."
Phil explains that in this Road Block one of the team members will find out firsthand just what it takes to navigate the congested streets of
Jen puts on her hat and gloves and gets into her taxi. She takes a moment to check herself out in the rearview mirror to see how she looks in her “uniform.” The woman of Jen’s Japanese couple totally rolls her eyes watching Jen preen.

Exactly, Japanese lady.
Moronald and Christina get the clue and Christina decides to do the Road Block since she speaks Japanese, but then she reads what she has to do and you can tell she is not pleased. I think she even says f***, but we can only see her mouth move as that word is not appropriate for network television. Or for TVgasm (ha ha ha ha ha). Or for my parents to read. Moronald says that Christina is a bad driver because she has no sense of direction. Well, at least she knows how to stay calm in a crisis, Moronald. I feel bad for Nate for the first time ever because he has to hang out with Moronald while the girls do the challenge. Actually, maybe I don’t feel so bad. Nate deserves this.
Each Japanese couple hands their driver an address that is written in kanji (or hiragana or katakana, like I’m that smart), so Christina can read it, but Jen can’t. Christina’s problem, however, is that she isn’t really sure how to drive the car because she only uses public transportation at home. Jen hops back out to beg people to help her translate her instructions and after being denied several times someone helps her. As she drives along, her couple is pointing out the window and talking to each other, so you get the feeling Jen isn’t doing this the best way, but they can’t help her. Christina has to stop and ask for directions almost immediately as well. Her couple seems highly amused watching her fumble around with turning the car off.
"Clazy gill."
Nick and Grandpa arrive at the station and get the clue and Nick decides to do the Road Block because Grandpa is really tired and needs water. Nick puts his taxi driver hat on all wickety wack because he’s cool like that and starts asking people to help him translate his address card.
"Can you riz-ead my ciz-ard?"
Jen gets lost and starts to panic, whining, “Ooohhh, how did this happeeeenuh?” I bet her couple loves that. Christina is also confused, concluding that driving skills would have helped her more than Japanese for this challenge. Nick sets out with his couple and says that he’s had experience driving in
It turns out that the destination for this little taxi trip is a post office and Jen is the first one to successfully get her couple there on the correct side of the one way street to be dropped off. She lets them out while dancing around and squealing about how excited she is and they just watch her and hand her the clue. She sets off back to the train station. Christina makes it next and is now on her way back to the train station as well. Nick makes it third and says he thinks he remembers how to get back to the train station and hopes that he can pull ahead. As Jen and Christina find their way back to the train station, they both find themselves on the wrong side of the street and unable to pull around to the right side. Jen figures it out first and she and Nate read the clue. The next task is to go by taxi to
They get into their taxi and Jen tries to explain to their non-English speaking driver that they are in a race and need to hurry. She tries to pantomime running, but he won’t even turn around to look at her so it is of no use. Christina is next and as she and Moronald get into their taxi she again asks for Ichiban and I could really go for a rainbow roll right now. Meanwhile Nick has gotten himself lost by not taking the same route back to the train station that he took to get to the post office and he says that landing an airplane is simpler than trying to drive around
Ah hah! The Hippies are landing at long last and getting into their first cab to find the
"We were going to be nice this leg! I hate you!"
Moronald and Christina have a driver who looks pretty old and starts wheezing while he drives them around. Christina tries to ask him if he is okay, but he won’t answer, he just keeps wheezing and Moronald compassionately says, “I just hope he doesn’t croak on us.” I’m sure, Moronald, that is because you are concerned with his health and not just your standing in the contest, right?
"I hyperventilate around mean people."
The Babies get to the
The Babies decide to select which task to perform based on which location is closest. They accost a man on the street just as Moronald and Christina pull up to the temple and grab the clue. It seems that each location is about 10 minutes away, but The Babies choose the flowers because Jen says she has the sense of smell of a bloodhound. Charming. Moronald and Christina also choose the flowers and Nick is still driving around
My favorite passerby of the evening.
Nick says there’s no way he can identify real flowers – good call, Nick, I can’t see a straight guy succeeding at that one, so he and Grandpa are on their way to robot soccer. Christina makes Moronald blow his nose before beginning the flower search and they decide to start smelling on the second floor since The Babies are covering the first floor and there’s no point in retracing their steps. Nick takes Grandpa’s backpack so they can both run and Grandpa tells us that he is afraid of letting Nick down. Nick tells us he’s afraid of letting himself down as well. Okay, I guess this is all about Nick. They arrive at robot soccer and receive no instructions, only cell phones with which to control the robots. This looks so Japanese! Like Japanese in the way that it is totally sophisticated and complicated, but eight-year-old children excel at it and it will be coming to
Domo Arigatou, Mr. Roboto!
(You knew that was coming.)
Over at the flower shop Jen tells us that she’s getting lightheaded from all of the sniffing and that she’s starting to feel like she’s in a Pink Floyd music video. Oooh, The Hippies should love this challenge! Moronald and Christina are also sniffing along and Moronald tells us that he’s trying to be encouraging so that Christina won’t feel like she’s being demoralized by an old man dragging her down. Um, you’re about eight legs too late, Moronald.
"All I can smell is you, Daddy."
The Babies are reaching that stage where they are hating on each other because they can’t finish the challenge. At robot soccer Nick finally manages to score a goal, so now Grandpa has to score one and they can proceed.
We bounce over to The Hippies who are still riding along in a taxi and they have no idea if they are way behind or way ahead because they haven’t seen another team since leaving the Pit Stop. The Babies give up on the first floor of the flower shop and run upstairs to try sniffing around on the second floor. Jen starts whining that they should have done the robot challenge, causing Nate to criticize her attitude. Fight, fight! Grandpa is having trouble making his robot score and Moronald and Christina are not finding any real flowers either. FINALLY Jen thinks she smells something so she pulls out a flower and she and Nate tear down to the shop owner who smells it and gives them the clue. They must now travel by taxi to
The Babies can’t find a driver who knows where
In a more peaceful taxi, Christina is very happy to point out that Moronald hasn’t yelled at her all day and that finally, on this, the ninth leg of the race Moronald has not lost his temper once. He came pretty close though, when the cab driver didn’t drop them off right in front of Air

"We do not become Geisha to fulfill our own destiny."
For winning they will each receive an electric vehicle that seats four. Hmm. That’s interesting. I wonder how happy The Babies would have been to win those. I’ll take a Hummer, please. Phil asks Christina if her dad is improving, seeing as they came in first, and Christina says he’s improving “worlds.” I’m not so sure about that, but oh well, I guess she’s excited to win.
The Babies come in second and try to refrain from pulling each other’s hair out. Jen vows that now it is “on.” They are sick of coming in second and they are learning their lesson not to bicker. Nate says that the best team is going to finish last and it will be them. There is the sound of a needle skidding off of a record and Jen looks and him and says, “Last?” Nate’s like, “Duh, I mean finish the last leg first.” Okay, enough of these two. Nick and Grandpa arrive at the mat with Nick carrying Grandpa’s bag and Phil looking like he’s about to pass out from dysentery or some other debilitating disease (but I think it may just be the lighting) and Grandpa tells us that he’s almost 69 (hee hee), making him 45 years older than almost everyone else but he’s still hanging in there. Rock on, Grandpa! You are very inspiring. The pretty Japanese lady stands there looking bored and smiling. Aw, good sport.
Phil's caught Beriberi.
And now we join the nearly-forgotten Hippies. They are just now arriving at
So close!
They get to the mat and Phil tells them they are last, but TA DA! This is the other non-elimination leg! I knew it! There are three teams in the final episode, right? And we knew there was still one more non-elimination leg, so it had to be this week. Congratulations, TK and Rachel – you are still in this! Of course, on the next leg they will start out three hours behind everyone else and have to encounter a speed bump, but they will live to see another day.
Next week, The Babies are out for blood, Nick calls all the other teams “pansies,” and Christina tries to convince a ticket agent to lie to her competitors. It’s all a nail-biting race to see who will be in the grand finale!
So what do you think? Do The Hippies stand a chance at making up all their lost time?
Thanks for reading!
-Honey Gangsta
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