The Bachelor: Hollywood Edition
It’s another romance and suspense filled episode of The Bachelor! This week Matt dabbles in show business, the girls showcase their athletic ability, and Shayne ponders the origins of the universe. The girls are starting to get possessive and Matt is starting to get generous with his lips. The dates are super special, but there is only one future Mrs. Grant. Let’s get one step closer to discovering who she won’t be. Cheerio!
We begin once again with the Bearer of All News, Chris Harrison. He greets the girls (who seem to be wearing a lot of purple) and tells them that this week there will be two one-on-one dates and one group date. There will be roses up for grabs on each date, so if a gal goes on a one-on-one and doesn’t get a rose, it’s Sayounara. The maybe-lucky one-on-one girls must go on their dates with bags packed.
Time out for a Shayne moment: Shayne appears in costume before the camera to tell us that if she goes on a one-on-one date and doesn’t get a rose, can you imagine? She will DIE. And please disregard the fact that she is an actress. It’s just her job.
Strike it.
Matt and Holly pull up in a limo in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theater on
Alert the media!
The “paparazzi” ask them stupid questions like, “Is this your first premiere?” and “What do you think of American women?” Then Holly gets, “What made you fall for this guy?” and she tells about Matt being the most charming man she’s ever met on television. Now on to the movie. I was right, there’s no one there. This is not, in fact, the Made of Honor premiere, this is just an empty theater for The Bachelor.
Next we have a giant commercial for Made of Honor as we see clip after clip, with Holly telling us she cried during the movie, but Matt comforted her. He comforted her? Over a Patrick Dempsey movie? Good move, Holly. Once again Matt has gained entry into a penthouse suite at a Hollywood hotel – this time the
Back home at the mansion, Miss Earth New York has donned more Hindu jewelry and goes outside to collect Date Box #2.
"Aum Asato mā sad gamaya."
(Translation: From ignorance, lead me to truth.)
From anonymity, lead me to fame.
I’m getting serious migrainal flashbacks of Mayo as the card reads “It’s time to get down and dirty. Please join me for a game of football – British style.” Please! Anything but down and dirty! Kristine, Amanda, Chelsea, Erin, Noelle, Robin, Marshana, Kelly, Leelee and Amy are the rugby participants. And that means… SHAYNE. Shayne gets the other one-on-one date and I swear she practically thanks the academy. This girl is killing me. She tells us smugly that Matt chose her for the one-on-one date because she told him that if he wants to get to know her, he has to get to know her. And that last sentence tells you everything you need to know about Shayne.
And over at the
Must we? Really must we? Yes, it seems we must give Shayne another moment. The doorbell rings at the mansion so she tears out to retrieve her Date Box, but instead finds a delivery waiting at the door for Holly. It’s her panel of cement with her and Matt’s handprints in it. It was really nice of Show Business to sacrifice putting that special slab into the ground at the Chinese Theater and let Holly have it. What did I tell you? Anyway, Shayne is plenty miffed because it says Matt + Holly and other stupid crap.
I hear they let Marilyn Monroe take hers home too.
Speaking of Holly, she’s in the middle of getting the world’s biggest second chance because it’s rooftop hot tub time. Matt tells her he had a really good time with her and leans in for a kiss. They peck a couple of times and he breaks out the rose, which leads to a full-on snog. I guess Holly’s still in this.
"Comfortable now, big boy?"
The next day is the big rugby match! Matt is excited to teach these girls about a sport they’ve probably never even heard of. Uh, Matt? They’re from

Bloomin' English rose.
Leelee runs around baring her midriff and Pouting Robin proves to be a quick rugby study, which Matt, of course, finds extremely hot. Excellent for someone who’s never even heard of the sport.
Back home Holly and Shayne are busy discussing how glad they are to not be playing rugby, then Shayne goes into a tizzy because – oh my heck – she needs to tan sooooo bad. That’s when Holly lowers the boom. She. Has. A. Spray. Tanner. Shayne starts screaming and jumping around in circles because apparently this is the best news she’s had since that Head & Shoulders callback. Imagine! With Holly’s spray tanner Shayne has nothing on earth to worry about. That rose is as good as hers. All hail the spray tanner! Shayne strips down to a bikini top while Holly inexplicably agrees to stand there next to the bathtub and spray her down with orange paint. This is getting downright humiliating.
And over on the rugby field Matt picks Kelly and Marshana to be team captains and then choosing teams ensues. Leelee’s bare midriff apparently didn’t impress Kelly or Marshana because she is the pathetic last choice. I’m sure that has nothing to do with last week’s Grand Rose Gloat. The next part is pretty uninteresting as the girls make an attempt at playing rugby, until… Marshana falls to the ground covering her face. I’m sensing a pity rose coming on. The girls continue to play until they realize that Matt has taken himself out of the game to sit next to Marshana and her split lip. Wear some chapstick, Marshana, this is

"While you're down there, love..."
Of course, Matt is smitten with the fact that Marshana would put herself in harm’s way in the name of his favorite sport (particularly when she’s never even heard of it) and he makes everyone give her a round of applause. Then he announces that everyone is coming back to “his” – so English! – for a post-rugby party. What, no ambulance?
Upon arrival at the Bachelor pad, the girls begin to swoon over Matt’s luxurious living situation. Reminder, ladies: this is not where Matt actually lives. Just like YOU don’t actually live at
Not hard at all.
Later the girls have changed into dresses and the rose has appeared to taunt them on the table. Pouting Robin pulls Matt outside to make sure he has her in the forefront of his mind. Matt bites and invites her to enter the hot tub. While they snog, the other girls get a massage report from Kelly and worry that she’ll be the one to get the rose. Amanda is next for alone-time with Matt. Being very concerned that she hasn’t had much of a chance for deep conversation with the Bachelor, she promptly asks him if he likes music. Yawn. Before he can elaborate on the innermost thoughts of his musical soul, Kristine and Noelle crash the little convo and a big awkward silence follows.
It looks like it’s finally time for Shayne to receive her Date Box in all of her Oompah Loompah glory. It’s a little wooden box with wine in it and a note that says, “Romance awaits.” Poor Holly is all jealous and what not, but there’s no time for that – this is Shayne’s time to shine brightly and orangely.
And Matt decides it’s time to bestow the rose. He sits everyone down, tells them this has been his favorite date (as always), and gives the rose to Pouting Robin for being amazing on the rugby field and in the hot tub. Oh puke. The other girls are predictably not pleased.
Brace yourselves, everyone, because for the next little while we must concentrate our full attention on that one most wanting and least deserving of it… Shayne. Forget she’s an actress. She descends the staircase in a black ruffly dress and big white boots to set off with Matt to go wine tasting. Do we really need to put ourselves through this? We know she’s getting a rose because Matt “fancies the pants off her.” As Gnomecorp pointed out, Matt thinks that Shayne is out of his league so she’ll be around until the end. Guys are just so transparent. Once I saw an ad in a community newspaper in
Okay, back to what we must endure. Matt takes Shayne to a wine estate to taste some wine. Shayne is totally excited – she’s never done a wine tasting even though she loves wine – and has been legally allowed to drink it for an entire year!
"It's not about my acting!"
When they arrive Shayne has a hard time keeping her balance walking on the cobblestone in her ultra high heeled boots. Matt gives us his lip service about being concerned over her tantrums and drama – blah, blah, blah, why even bother? As they sit down for a chat, Matt tells Shayne he’s really intrigued to find out about her parents. Shayne gets this huge smile on her face and prepares to brush it all off as unimportant. It goes something like this: “You wouldn’t even know who my dad is anyway, even if I told you, so there’s no point in telling you. You won’t care, you don’t know him, so I’m not going to tell you. I won’t tell you okay? His name is Lorenzo Lamas and he was in a show called Renegade. See? You don’t know. He’s well known in
"See? When I do this I can almost smell my hair."
In an attempt to have Shayne prove him wrong, Matt asks her if she’s high maintenance and she says YES. She is high maintenance. Does this dissuade him? Does this contribute to the high-drama, sex-kitten theory? Why no – of course not! It proves what a shining star Shayne is for being honest when questioned about herself. Gosh, what a gal. Here are Shayne’s top five priorities: cars, shoes, handbags, sunglasses and watches. Other than that, nothing really matters. Matt swoons. She IS deep and thoughtful. She really DOES know what matters in life. He taunts her a little, saying the rose is still on the table, and Shayne tells us that she forgot all about the rose until she “soll” it sitting on the table. I’m here to promise that saying “soll” instead of “saw” is NOT an
The rest of our lovely ladies are doing the only thing they are allowed to do for the duration of filming – sitting around talking about the Bachelor. Pouting Robin reports that Matt has begged her to stick with him, even though this is hard, and that he’s been brutally honest with her. All this is causing Amanda to “meep,” which is the obnoxious sound that her nervous hiccups make.
Meanwhile Matt leads Shayne over to a pile of pillows and blankets in front of a fireplace where they can talk more fashion and eat dessert. Shayne flops right into Matt’s lap and starts warning him again about what a huge risk this is for her, but she’s doing it all for him. Matt says that even though he’s hard on her, there is something about her he loves. Hard on her? Was that the part where he high-fived her for being high maintenance, or where he congratulated her on being completely materialistic? They kiss and now Matt does this really clever little trick where he brings the rose over but doesn’t let Shayne see it and then he gushes all over about how wonderful and beautiful she is, then produces the rose, seemingly out of thin air. Poor Shayne’s little head is spinning and she comes this close to pouring her champagne all over herself. But she thought the rose was over on the table! Are we done here yet?
It’s Pre Rose Ceremony Cocktail Party time! Matt enters to deafening screams and the girls start taking turns greeting him with cheek kisses.
Elsewhere Pouting Robin and Noelle are having a heart to heart and Noelle confesses that Matt hasn’t demonstrated that he is even a little bit interested in getting to know her. Pouting Robin, in all of her wisdom, advises Noelle to reject the rose if it is offered to her tonight. I’m sure that had absolutely no selfish motivation whatsoever.
Did her face freeze into this expression?
Then she gets up and walks over to Matt, who is in the middle of a conversation about camping with Amy. As much as I’m not a fan of Robin, I’m even less of a fan of camping, so let’s see what she’s got. The other girls are really irritated because Pouting Robin already has a rose! Good point. That is really snotty of her to go and interrupt when she’s already secure for one more round. Of course, she justifies it with the fact that this is a competition and she’ll do whatever it takes… true love at its finest. But just as Matt and Robin get going on saying how much they missed each other yesterday, Kelly, Amy and Shayne come marching up arm in arm to take back the Bachelor! Matt is a little taken aback, but reminds Pouting Robin that she has a rose and goes inside with the girls. Robin keeps on yelling at us and the other girls that this is a competition and she’s going to fight to win. “This is marriage!” Yes, she says that.
"Red rover, red rover, send Matty right over!"
Holly, decked out in another fake animal skin, pulls Matt outside and tearfully tells us that she can’t stand watching the person she cares about interacting with other girls. They gaze at their little slab of cement again and Holly tells Matt how hard this is and he tells her that he missed her. Wow, Matt’s sure doing a lot of missing while he’s out on all of these “brilliant” dates. I don’t know how much I should believe of what he says. Then he and Holly kiss some more. Missing and kissing – those are Matt’s specialties.
Chris taps his way into the party and takes Matt and his purple shirt away to deliberate on rose distribution. Matt confesses that tonight is the first time he’s realized that there are other people’s feelings on the line. Well congratulations to Matt for being light years ahead of most guys who never realize that. And now… Nine roses, 12 women. Whose dreams of marrying an English gentleman end tonight? Matt tells the girls he’s in a “right pickle” and this isn’t easy. Holly, Robin and Shayne already have roses and here come the rest: Amanda, Leelee, Kelly, Chelsea, Noelle (who doesn’t refuse), ladies, Matt, this is the final rose tonight. When you’re ready… Marshana.
Off with their heads.
Next week brings a tea party where Pouting Robin antagonizes all the girls again and then bawls that she’s alone. Amanda gets a one-on-one at an amusement park and Marshana and Holly battle it out in a two-on-one. Who will be chosen? During the credits
So! How did you like tonight’s episode? Is this going to end up in an Annoying Battle, like Shayne vs. Robin? What do you think?
Thanks for reading!
-Honey Gangsta
Great recap! You put down everything that I was thinking. Loved the 'red carpet' treatment that the paparazzi gave them. Chandler from Friends - "Could you be any more staged!"
I'm not sure who you are but I absolutely love your blog! You are so right on about every 'character', especially Shayne. You nailed her nice yet 'fake' personality, she's an actress after all.
I am so bummed that he didn't pick Chelsea:( Chelsea was sooo sweet and honest. What kind of acting career is blonde spray tan Shayne going to find in England? She's no Emma Thompson or Keira Knightley that's for sure!
Cheers :)
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