The Bachelor: Absurdity Calling
The night is finally here! The Bachelor – all the way from
Well, what a waste of

"I am the man."
After making out in the ferris wheel Matt and
Welcome to Grant Manor
A stout little bearded chap meets Matt and Chelsea at the door and it turns out this jolly fellow is Matt’s brother, Simon. The name Simon over there must be like the name Dave over here because I sure do hear it a lot where the Brits are concerned. Then we meet the notorious couple responsible for Matt’s existence, Tony and Trish. How very un-British. Tony and Trish? Just hearing those names I would have pictured a double wide. On second thought, I guess there’s Tony Blair. Trish though, I’ll have to wonder about. The house is decorated like a very crowded art museum, meaning there’s hardly an inch of wall showing through all of the art pieces hanging on the walls and perched on various easels. Okay, so the Grants like art. Got it. Trish asks
"This one cracked my Euro code."
Later Trish and Chelsea have some alone time for a heart to heart and Chelsea admits that she falls in love with Matt more each minute she spends with him, but she knows she’s held back because of her fear of getting hurt. Trish tells
"Oh, isn't Master Matthew perfect?"
Next Trish and Matt sit down in some room filled with stained glass versions of family crests all over the walls. Okay, so the Grants are blue bloods. Got it. I wonder if they know the Borgheses. Matt says something about piecing together the jigsaw puzzle of his life and then they burst in on Simon trying to make a move on
Now we cut to some stock footage of Matt strolling around
Back at the Grant Museum Shayne meets the wonderful family and proceeds to complain about how she wasn’t allowed off the bus to shop and then she spills wine on herself. Simon looks rather concerned. He tells us that this girl doesn’t seem like Matt’s type at all.

"We've never even seen a girl that pretty in England."
Over dinner Tony finally opens his mouth and asks Shayne how old she is. She answers that she’s 12 and Tony laughs like he hasn’t laughed in years. Oh how young the sexy little bleached blonde makes him feel.
"Pick this one, boy."
Trish asks how old Shayne was when she started acting and she says that she started about 10 years ago on a soap opera and worked her way up into film. I implore you all again to visit Shayne on imdb and witness that her biggest role by far has been on this, The Bachelor. Worked her way up… yeah, from a soap opera to reality TV. Prepare for the Golden Globes, Shayne. After more grilling about her “acting career” and her stint on The Bachelor, Simon concedes to us that she had really good answers to everything and he may have misjudged her at first. Always go with your first instinct, Simon.
A little later Shayne and Simon are left alone and Shayne wants to know what Simon honestly thought of her when he first saw her. He says that he wasn’t sure why Matt was attracted to her, apart from her obvious beauty. Okay this guy is SO not American. American guys are not aware, nor do they care that there IS anything besides the obvious beauty. Anyway, Simon says that Shayne proved him wrong with her conversation abilities over lunch. Ah yes, the story of the acting career does it every time.
Next Shayne sits down with Trish and Trish says that from the moment she met Shayne she’s felt totally at ease. Shayne says that in marriage she’s not looking for a fairy tale ending, but for someone with whom she’ll be willing to get through anything. She talks about her crazy parents splitting up and remarrying several times. Trish is engrossed. Who wouldn’t be? When Shayne leaves, both Tony and Simon jump on the chance to give her the double cheek kiss, and Shayne says she’s had a beautiful time. Oh brother.
"Wait. One more, little lass."
Ah, and now for the useless conversation that The Bachelor always conducts with his family after they’ve met the two finalists. Will the Grants have the answer Matt is looking for? My guess is no, but let’s listen anyway, shall we? Matt says he feels more at ease with Shayne, but more passion for
It’s time to return to
"Wow, your bum looks great tonight."
Matt stops her and says, “Baby, I’m falling in love with you as well, you know that.” Oh really? I’d like a strip tease as proof. Actually no I wouldn’t. I just don’t believe him. Because you know he’ll say the same thing to Shayne, and he already said the same thing to Amanda and Noelle. How can you honestly be falling in love with more than one person? I don’t get it. Anyway, they make out some more and
The next morning as Matt waits on the beach for Shayne, he tells us that he’s putting all thoughts of
"Parasailing is very intellectual."
As Shayne prepares to launch she tells Matt that if she doesn’t come back she wishes him and Chelsea well. Oh shut up, Shayne. As they take turns parasailing they both scream and wave a lot. Shayne gives a soliloquy of Shakespearean proportions: “Being so far, far up in the air and looking out… it’s like being an angel just flying in the sky. I was up there floating and dreaming. Dreaming of the man that I love getting down on his knee and asking me to marry him. I want Matt forever – I love him. I’m just ready.” Oh. My. Gosh. This is seriously the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever witnessed. So retarded.
Later it’s Shayne’s turn to fork over her present. She says very seriously, “This will be the most amazing gift you will ever receive from me in our entire relationship.” Shayne, can you please give it a rest? This is getting really annoying. I notice a little stuffed monkey on the bed and I throw up. Okay, so guess what the gift is. Guess what the most amazing gift Matt will ever receive ends up being. It’s a freaking series of pictures of Shayne in a bikini crawling around on the beach spelling out “I love you” in the sand with her hands. What a tremendous honor. Matt says his heart melted. Shayne says, “Do you see what it says?” Shayne, three-year-olds see what it says. Then surprise, surprise, Matt says he’s falling in love with her too. Shayne does baby talk asking if Matt likes his present and he plays with her hair. It’s a regular slumber party!
"Let's do another crank call!"
Matt leaves with the pictures and stuffed monkey and tells us that he’s totally confused and has no idea what decision he’s going to make. He does know, however, that he never regrets anything, so he knows that once he makes his decision that will be it.
The next day Matt sits alone in his hotel room with his elbows on his knees pondering, pondering. He says this is a big day when he’s going on to the next phase of his life because he’s going to go down on one knee and propose. Oh goody. He’s been looking at rings and he’s settled on a really gaudy one with three big diamonds and a million little ones all the way around the band.
Couldn't ABC spring for a Bachelor manicure?
Shout out to Tacori for product placement. Never mind that this is all a farce! Tacori is there for any proposal – real or pretend. Matt says he’s never been this nervous, he’s never been this apprehensive, and he never thought he’d fall in love with two women. Oh of course you didn’t Matt. You are an innocent bystander, just like the rest of us.
While the girls get all fancied up Matt tells us about both of them because we haven’t seen enough yet. He says that with
So along comes the first limo and out pops…
"Geez, this is awkward. Please don't say anything, Chelsea."
Matt tells her she looks amazing and exquisite and then he launches into the rejection speech. He says he never thought he’d meet someone like

"Oh... you mean I almost won?"
Okay, he’s ready to kick her into the limo so he takes her hand to lead her away. After a few steps he stops and tells
Matt is busy feeling sorry for himself about how hard that was, but he’s totally excited to propose to Shayne now. When he pictures his future with Shayne he pictures them having lots of fun, lots of affection, lots of love, and he knows she will always be there for him. Guess again, Matt. Here is the limo, and here is Shayne in her yellow underwear. Chris Harrison jauntily escorts her up the Path of Delight to the Proposal Platform.
"Step lightly, oh fortunate lady."
Matt launches into his speech, which is really quite stupid. Something about big brown eyes and too good to be true, and most importantly the words “American actress,” which is what we all know this is really all about. After he yammers some more he says he doesn’t have much more to say (could have fooled me) and then he gets down on one knee. Shayne starts hyperventilating. “Matt! Matt!” Out comes the ring and on come the tears.
Get ready...
Then comes the dumbest proposal in the history of mankind, “Monkey, will you marry me?” The monkey says yes and then mistakes her yellow dress for a banana and tries to have a snack. Then she starts screaming like she’s in the audience of TRL, “Woohoo!” just in case any MTV casting directors happen to be watching. Then Shayne says, “I will marry you under one condition – that you will never look at another woman for the rest of our lives, because you have looked at way too many during our relationship!” Oh Shayne. See? She has comic timing, too. Are we done here?
Almost. They both have to yell “I love you!” and then Matt has to offer her the final rose and she has to accept. Now there’s a montage of all things Shayne and then during the credits they coo some more. That’s enough. I’ll be back with an update on these two the minute they break up. I’m giving it six weeks, tops. What about you?
Our engagement photo
Next week! DeAnna returns in a two hour season premiere of The Bachelorette! Wait, two hours? Are we going to have some extended limo-emerging scenes, or what? Maybe the first hour will be a recap of DeAnna’s shameful jilting by Bachelor Brad. Can’t wait to find out!
Thanks for reading!
-Honey Gangsta
I give them 2 weeks... or however long it takes him to get his greencard. fakity fake fake fake.
But YOU are very entertaining with your recaps!
Yay for ridiculous endings! I saw them on Ellen today and it was annoying to say the least-- Matt's total appearance has changed and it's clear who REAllY wears the pants in the relationship. Thanks for a entertaining recap, your screen shots are perfect!! :)
Thank you so much for a great recap, I laughed so hard I cried at times. Your descriptions and reflections are spot on.
Lol you were pretty spot on with the 6wk prediction. They finally split in July. So that's less than 2 months-ish?
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