Thursday, February 26, 2009

Coming up...

Tomorrow, on I Love Camping, HoneyGangsta is going to recap for you the Women Tell All episode of The Bachelor. She doesn't want to do it, cause it's a giant snoozefest and nothing interesting happened. Well one interesting thing happened - we found out that Jerry O'Connel's little brother is such an alcoholic that it ruined his relationship.

She'll recap for you all the ways the Women Tell All episode is a recap and how its not worth recapping, and then do a few funny bits about the left over, passed up women who are going to Tell All, or tell nothing as that is a more accurate description.

Then she'll recap for you "J's" big appearance on the show and how he revealed absolutely nothing. Finally she'll recap the recaps of the remaining two ladies.

After that, I will recap her recap of the recapping in the Women Tell All.



Christina said...

dudette, *that* was funny.

Honey Gangsta said...

That picture of Jesse Palmer is absolutely fantastically homoerotic. Super special, thanks for asking.